Jumat, 04 Desember 2015

Meaning of "Firm" (Define Firm)

                        Meaning of "Firm" 

Meaning of "Firm" (Define Firm)
Meaning of "Firm" (Define Firm)

Meaning of "Firm" (Define Firm) A business association, for example, an enterprise, constrained risk organization or organization. Firms are commonly connected with business associations that provide legal counsel, however the term can be utilized for a wide assortment or business operation unit.
     Understanding the law firm itself is uncertain until now. It just said that the law firm was born out of the field of civil law or commercial law. In the Commercial code, a legal sense because the companies were not found together with the terms of the company.

According to the legislator desirous that the term corporate and law firm also develops itself following the developments in the world of business or company According to some experts, especially Seokardono, the company is one pengertan economy also entered into the field of civil law, in particular commercial law. The term was taken from the Indonesian company that was adopted by the Dutch term. The following phrase:The first is Onderneming is reflected as if the existence of a unified work, but this happens in a company.The second is Bedriff, the term is translated as "the company" with the meaning of an economic character which aims to make a profit, in forming an organized effort called the company.This Bedriff unity utilize techniques for the production of, for example, household industry and others. Lastly namely Vennootschap, this term implies juridical due to a form of business that is generated by an agreement for cooperation of several state-owned.

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